This DPI publication entitled ‘How do the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafism Differ from Each Other?’ analyses the various forms of Islamist movements in Cambodia. Social anthropologist Zoltan Pall analysed the differences between Salafist groups and the Muslim Brotherhood in terms of their ideology, goals, strategies, their socio-political environment and the activities of their affiliated institutions and NGOs.
DownloadAmong other things, the publication deals with the peculiarities of the fatwa system within the Twelver Shia, describes the significance of the controversial legal opinion against the well-known writer Rushdie as well as the ambivalent attitude of the government in Tehran. It also analyses the fierce global reaction to the publication of “The Satanic Verses” in the late 1980s and its consequences.
DownloadInsights into Muslim Brotherhood milieus in German-speaking countries
New report by Lorenzo Vidino and Sergio Altuna documents the complexity of the MB through interviews
The documentation of several interviews with people who were active in the milieu of the Muslim Brotherhood in the past decades provides an insight into its dynamics and structures, some of which are extremely complex, especially in German-speaking countries. The documentation report thus makes a sound contribution to a better understanding of the Muslim Brotherhood, its networks and ideas.
DownloadNew analysis from Lorenzo Vidino and Sergio Altuna shows extensive network
A new study report published by the Documentation Centre Political Islam analyses the pan-European structures of the Muslim Brotherhood. The authors of the study Lorenzo Vidino (Director of the Program on Extremism, George Washington University) and Sergio Altuna (Elcano Royal Institute) show the clear interpersonal, financial and ideological connections of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.