
DPI Director Fellhofer as a guest on "Der Pragmaticus"


The talk programme "Der Pragmaticus" is broadcast once a month on Servus TV. The latest guest was Lisa Fellhofer, Director of the Documentation Centre Political Islam (DPI), on the topic of "House rules for Austria: rules and values for integration". The interview was hosted by Roger Köppel from Switzerland, with further interviews with migration researcher Judith Kohlenberger and integration expert Sandra Kostner. In her remarks, the DPI director explained the background and situation of political Islam in Austria, including the borders to religious extremism. She also discussed integration and values in our society as part of a further panel of experts, including Kenan Güngör, for a magazine article. Lisa Fellhofer was also at the Forum Alpbach, where she took part in a live podcast of "Der Pragamticus", "Erklär mir die Welt" and "Was wichtig ist" (Die Presse) with Karin Pollack, Andreas Sator and Anna Wallner.

PRAGMATICUS (Talk-Sendung): Hausordnung für Österreich: Regeln und Werte für die Integration

PRAGMATICUS (Podcast): Verhindert Islamismus Integration?

PRAGMATICUS (Magazinbeitrag): Wie Integration funktioniert 


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