The Documentation Centre for Political Islam (DPI) regularly takes part in various conferences and meetings with presentations, lectures and panel discussions. In March, the DPI took part in the event "Threats to Democracy - Religious Traditionalism and Right-Wing Radicalism" at the Minorite Cultural Centre in Graz. The event was organised by this cultural centre, Katholische Arbeiternehmer:innenbewegung (KAB) and Forum Glaube-Wissenschaft-Kunst, and was moderated by Florian Traussnig. DPI Director Lisa Fellhofer spoke about how religion is being instru-mentalised by Islamist groups for their extremist ideology, with the Israel-Palestine conflict currently increasingly serving as a vehicle. Other panellists included DÖW right-wing extremism researcher Bernhard Weidinger, political scientist Tamara Ehs and author Martin Hochegger.