The LGBTQ+ community within Europe is increasingly confronted with homophobic and religiously motivated political extremism. As part of a project supported by the Documentation Centre in terms of research funding, Arno Tausch has published a study on this topic with Springer Verlag. The volume ""Homonegativity and Religiously Motivated Political Extremism - A Study Based on World Values Survey Data from 88 Countries and Territories", which is also available as open access, is a well-founded empirical study on the subject. The analysis covers up to 88 countries and territories around the world, using open data from the World Values Survey (with data from the European Values Study). The analysis took into account various factors that can shape individual attitudes - such as secularism, democracy, tolerance, religion and politics.
About the author: Arno Tausch is a political scientist, university lecturer at the University of Innsbruck and visiting professor at Budapest's Corvinus University. He publishes on topics including globalisation, Islamism and world systems theory.
In line with the Fund's science-to-public approach, the volume is also available in numerous libraries worldwide. The e-book can be downloaded free of charge from Springer-Verlag (external link):